jeudi 24 janvier 2008

Mississippi Burning

This movie speaks about racism, segregation and discrimination. This movie take place in Mississippi, where three young men (two whites and one black) have disappeard. The three young men were civil rights activitists. So the FBI come here and investigates on the missing. In this country, there is an organisation they called the Ku Klux Klan (KKK). They hate black people, they fight them and they set fire to black people's home and black people's churches. They are horrible. The Ku Klux Klan has killed the three young activitists.At the end, The FBI discovers the bodies and they arrest the members of the KKK. The members of the Ku Klux Klan go to prison, some one for seven years and th others for ten years.

I liked this movie. Now I know how Black people live in America. I saw the reality. I think that it is very horrible for them.

2 commentaires:

nat a dit…

Hi Sara, can you email me at, I would like to send you the corrections for your last blog

nat a dit…

Hi Sara, I made the corrections in the following text, cut and paste it in your blog

This movie is about racism, segregation and discrimination. It takes place in Mississippi, where three young men (two whites and one black) have dissapeared. The three young men were civil rights activitists. So the FBI goes there and investigates on the missing men. In the US, there is an organisation called the Ku Klux Klan (KKK). They hate black people, they fight them and they set fire to black people's home and black people's churches. They are horrible. The Ku Klux Klan has killed the three young activitists.
At the end of the story, the FBI discovers the bodies and they arrest the KKK members . They go to prison, some for seven years and th others for ten years.

I liked this movie. Now I know how Black people live in America. I saw the reality. I think that it is very difficult for them.